ICE Seminars

Image Continuing Education (ICE) Seminars
Contractors, Lead Repair, Renovation and Painting - Overview of Requirements
2 hours - Presented by L. Steven Brooks, practicing Attorney-At-Law
Mr. Brooks has completed training on Lead Abatement Issues)
Includes what contractors need to do for abatement issues, EPA requirements for obtaining the
Repair, Renovation and Painting (RRP) certificate, plus ample time for general questions and
discussion. This overview course is intended primarily for insurance adjusters.
Chimneys: Construction, Building Code Requirements, Plus Fires and Other Causes of Damage
3 hours- (2.5 CEU's for BBS2007-886, BO, MPE, BI, RBO, RPE, RBI)
Presented by Gary L. Wilhelm, P.E.
This course includes the safety aspects of proper chimney construction, building codes and standards
for both commercial and residential building codes, flue liners, chimney fires and other causes of
chimney damage, plus photo examples and discussions to assist in distinguishing the cause. This
course is intended primarily for building code personnel and other inspectors, insurance adjusters,
masonry contractors, and chimney sweeps.
Foundation Distress and Other Problems
2 hours - (2.0 CEU's for BBS2007-228, BO, MPE, BI, MI, RBO, RPE, RBI)
Presented by Gary L. Wilhelm, P.E.
Depicts the different types of foundation distress, how to distinguish the difference, evaluating the
severity, commercial and residential code requirements, plus general repair concepts. Also includes
some mechanical defects and issues. This course is intended primarily for building code personnel and
other types of inspectors.
Trusses - Code Requirements and Things to Inspect
2 hours (2.0 CEU's for BBS2007-244, BO, MPE, BI, RBO, RPE, RBI)
Presented by Gary L. Wilhelm, P.E.
Illustrates how trusses work, depicts common truss defects and their causes, plus commercial and residential
code requirements. This course is intended primarily for building code personnel and other types of inspectors.
Engineering Fundamentals for Non-Engineers
2 hours - Presented by Gary L. Wilhelm, P.E.
Engineering fundamentals and theory for non-engineers, including beams, wind, snow. This course is intended
primarily for insurance adjusters and home inspectors.
Job Search techniques
5 hours - Presented by Mr. Dick Gaither
In depth training for clients seeking employment or better employment, plus the staff members responsible
for assisting them. Included are effective resume writing, interviewing skills, handling terminations and
periods of unemployment, and most important of all, networking. Numerous handouts will be provided.
Home Buyers and Owners
3 hours - Presented by Gary Wilhelm, P.E., and Michael Fusco, Attorney
Common defects, topography and drainage, foundations and repairs, framing, electrical and plumbing problems,
selecting a home inspector, termites, selecting a contractor, building codes, and more. Ample time will be
included for questions and discussion.
All of our seminars include images that dramatically highlight problems and code provisions. They can be conducted in large facilities or in a smaller group at your facility.
Group seminars at your facility:
Half day (3 hours): $800.00
Full day (6 hours): $1,200.00
Individual public seminar rates (one day):
$295.00 per day per person
$195.00 per day per if over 25 persons